0191 447 2600



Bounce Pre School Group

  • Tuesday 5th December 2017
  • 1:30PM - 3:00PM
  • Bede Tower, Burdon Road, Sunderland, SR2 7EA

Younger Children

Suitable for ages: Pre-School


Come along to Bounce, Useful Vision’s early years group for babies and young children with visual impairment and their siblings.

Bounce is also open to younger siblings of the VI child who may now be at nursery or school.

Children can enjoy exploring the soft play area, followed by a sing-along session.

Feel free to drop in for a part session if you can’t make the full session.

This session will have a ‘Christmas’ themed sing-along. Children are welcome to dress up!

To book your place, fill out the form on this page or contact the Useful Vision office on 0845 604 8491 or email office@usefulvision.org.uk.

Book Now

Please complete the form below to book your child on this event. If you have any questions please contact 0191 447 2600 and we will be happy to help.

*Your child must be registered before booking on to any event. Register your child here today.

    Name of child


    Contact details for confirmation