0191 447 2600



Goalball and Meet a Paralympian!

  • Wednesday 31st August 2022
  • 10:30AM - 12:30PM
  • Tyne View, Lemington, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Skills Workshops

Suitable for ages: All ages

Useful Vision are marking 10 years since the London 2012 Paralympics at an exclusive Goalball UK session, delivered by none other than northeast Goalball Paralympian: Matt Loftus. Matt and the Useful Vision Team will help you to learn the skills of the game – see if you can take on a Paralympian! Families and friends are welcome to join, as both VI and Sighted players can get involved.

The Lemington Centre, Tyne View, Newcastle, NE15 8RZ

Book Now

Please complete the form below to book your child on this event. If you have any questions please contact 0191 447 2600 and we will be happy to help.

*Your child must be registered before booking on to any event. Register your child here today.

    Name of child


    Contact details for confirmation