0191 447 2600



You Are What You Eat – Dairy Farm Visit

  • Friday 10th August 2018
  • 10:00AM - 3:00PM
  • Wheelbirks Farm, Stocksfields, Northumberland, NE43 7HY

Skills Workshops

Suitable for ages: 8+

Useful Vision present our exciting new project…

You are what you eat!

Join us on a variety of adventures to explore where your food comes from and learn cookery skills and recipes.

There are eight sessions for children and young people to get involved.

Aimed at visually impaired children and their siblings aged 8 years and over.

This project is Kindly funded by Children in Need.

Session 2 – Dairy Farm Visit

Join us on a trip to Wheelbirks working dairy farm for a tour of the dairy.  Learn about the process of milk production from start to finish, including ice cream.

Dairy farming was first introduced to Wheelbirks in 1925, when the founders recognised a market for locally produced, top quality milk. The Wheelbirks herd of pedigree Jerseys are the oldest established and the only pedigree herd in Northumberland.

Enjoy a delicious ice cream made from the rich and creamy milk of their Jersey cows, giving the ice cream its smooth and distinctive taste. The whole ice cream making process is carried out onsite, which guarantees top quality, homemade Northumberland fare.

If your child would like to be a part of this new, exciting project, please contact us on 0845 604 8491 or email office@usefulvision.org.uk.

To get the most out of this project, we advise children attend as many sessions as possible.

Parents that do not wish to stay are welcome to leave children, consent will be required.

Book Now

Please complete the form below to book your child on this event. If you have any questions please contact 0191 447 2600 and we will be happy to help.

*Your child must be registered before booking on to any event. Register your child here today.

    Name of child


    Contact details for confirmation